Katsuhiko Endo

1970 Born in Yokohama City
1992 Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology (now Tokyo City University)
1995 Obtained the Master’s Degree in Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo(under Hiroshi Hara, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo)
Went on to the Doctoral Course in the same graduate school
1997 Founded Endo Architect and Associates in Tokyo
2007 Incorporated Endo Architect and Associates
2017 Established Osaka Office
2021 Ibaraki University Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Engineering) Department of Urban and Civil Engineering Associate Professor
2022 Ibaraki University Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Engineering) Department of Urban and Civil Engineering Professor

2023 Higashichichibu Village Hall design proposal, First Prize
2022 The Japan Institute of Architects 2022 "JIA Grand Prix"
2022 Kadoma City Lifelong Learning Facility (tentative name), First Prize
2021 Kyonan town exchange facility project, First Prize
2020 Saza Town Hall design competition, First Prize
2019 Motoyama Town Hall design competition, First Prize
2019 Nagi-Cho Kindergarten design proposal, Finalist
2019 Moriyama City Hall design proposal, Second Prize
2019 Higashikitsuki Rest Area design competition, Finalist
2019 Koganei City Hall, Public Welfare Centre design proposal, Finalist
2018 Fukuoka City Public Cemetery design competition, Finalist
2018 Tarumizu City Hall design competition, Finalist
2018 Daigo Town Hall design competition, First Prize
2017 Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka design competition, First Prize
2016 15th Public Architecture Award,Excellence Pize
2016 Hamatonbetsu Community Centre design proposal, Second Prize
2015 Ono Town Highway Rest Area design proposal, Shortlist
2014 Fuchu City Highway Rest Area design proposal, Shortlist
2013 Kyonan Town Community Centre design proposal, Third Prize
2013 Motegi Town Central Centre design proposal, Shortlist
2013 Architectural Institute of Japan Kinki Branch, Sustainable housing and community design proposal, Grand Prize
2012 Tokai Architecture Organisation, Chubu Architectural Award
2012 Nakatosa Welfare Centre design proposal, Shortlist
2012 Japan Association of Architectural Firms Award, General Architecture section, Grand Prize
2012 Shonai Town Spa Facility design proposal, Second Prize
2012 Oita Local Care Centre design proposal, Shortlist
2012 Shichigahama Elementary and Junior High School design proposal, Second Prize
2011 Aichi Machinami Architectural award, for Toyota Nature Center
2011 Maebashi City Museum design competition, Shortlist
2009 Otaki Town Hall design proposal, Honourable mention
2009 Kashiwazaki New City Hall design proposal, Shortlist
2007 Toyota City Nature Center design proposal, First Prize
2007 Yamagata University Engineering Department Centennial Hall design proposal, Best 20
2006 INAX Design Contest, Kitchen and Living room section
2006 Toyota City Aizuma Exchange Center Proposal, Shortlist